This information is for the Builtober 2021 event and server.
Want to make some fun videos to post to social media, or keep for the memories? Use the CMD Camera mod!
You can edit controls in your Minecraft settings (settings > options > controls > CMDCam Settings), but this tutorial is going to use the default controls. You will need to install a separate recording software, like StreamLabs OBS or Bandicam, to record and capture footage. This mod sets it up so you have an aesthetic screen to record.
📷Controls & Commands:
P = set a point for the camera to sit in. You can add multiple points so the camera moves around them.
Delete = clear your set points.
G = roll left
J = roll right
H = reset roll
V = zoom in
N = zoom out
B = reset zoom
U = start camera mode, click again to exit
/cam mode outside – make yourself the camera & the “actor”; AKA set the camera down at a point, and you can move around in the viewspace.
/cam start (time) – the same function as pressing U, but you can specify how much time you will be in camera mode.
Example: /cam start 2m – will put you in camera mode for 2 minutes.
/cam clear – clear all your registered points.
/cam target self/none – make the camera follow either you, or stay in place at a point.
For more information on more complicated commands, information, and video tutorials click here.