Protecting your items is super important to us! To claim your land, refer to the Towny guide. The protection plugin can be used to protect chests, doors, signs, and more.
🔒LWC Commands:
/cpublic : Anyone can use this chest, but only the owner can unlock it/remove it.
/lock : Locks the chest and makes it private.
/cpassword [password] : Adds password protection to the chest.
/cdonation : Anyone can add items to the chests, but they cannot take them out.
/cdisplay : Anyone can view the items, but they cannot take them out.
/cmodify [name] : Adds a user to the chest to be able to access it.
/cunlock : Unlocks a password protected block.
/cremove : Removes protection from a block.
/cmagnet : Put nearby dropped items in the chest.
/cautoclose : Automatically close a door or gate if it was opened.
/cpersist : Makes your commands persist, so you can edit multiple blocks at once.