This plugin aims to work similarly to the VeinMiner Forge mod. By crouching while breaking certain blocks, it’ll break the vein and other blocks in bulk. This helps to cut down on mining and building time!
You can toggle this by doing /veinminer toggle in game.
Here is a list of all blocks you can break while vein mining, and the tool required to break them. If you think a block should be added to this list, please post it in the suggestions channel on our Discord.
1. All Leaf Types
1. Sand
2. Red Sand
3. Gravel
1. All Leaf Types
2. All Wool Types
3. Cobwebs
🌾Hoe (All Crops Must Be Fully Grown):
1. Wheat
2. Beetroot
3. Carrots
4. Potato
5. Red Mushrooms
6. Brown Mushrooms
1. Acacia Logs & Wood
2. Birch Logs & Wood
3. Dark Oak Logs & Wood
4. Spruce Logs & Wood
5. Oak Logs & Wood
6. Crimson Stems
7. Warped Stems
8. Pumpkins & Carved Pumpkins
9. Melons
10. Brown & Red Mushroom Blocks
1. Ancient Debris
2. Barriers
3. Bone Blocks
4. Andesite
5. Granite
6. Diorite
7. Coal Ore
8. Iron Ore
9. Gold Ore
10. Lapis Ore
11. Diamond Ore
12. Redstone Ore
13. Emerald Ore
14. Nether Gold Ore
15. Nether Quartz Ore
16. Glowstone