This information is for the Builtober 2021 event and server.
You will have access to 10 plots to begin with, and throughout the event we will be adding more! It is recommended that you merge your plots together so you can showcase all of your builds in one place, but you can also keep them apart as well!
Feel free to claim them all at once, or one at a time. The world is endless (almost)! Use plots to build, and there’s tons of fun customizable settings you can mess with to really make your builds special, and add a special effect!
Plots are 64×64 and 62 blocks deep. The filler block is stone, and the top block is grass blocks.
🏝️Basic Commands:
/plot auto or /p auto – automatically assigns a plot to a player
/plot claim – claims the plot you’re standing in if it has not been claimed by someone else
/plot home or /p h – brings the player to their plots
/p h:# – brings the player to their next claimed plot
/plot visit [player] [#] – takes you to someone else’s plot
/plot clear – clear the plot you are standing on
/plot delete/dispose/unclaim – UNCLAIMS the plot you are standing on so it is no longer yours
/plot trust [player] – adds the specified player to build on your plot and they will be able to build while you are offline
/plot add [player] – adds the specified player to build on your plot and they can only build while you are online
/plot deny [player] – the specified player cannot enter your plot
/plot remove [player] – removes someone who was added/trusted to your plot
/plot kick [player] – kicks a player from your plot
/plot info – displays plot information
/plot merge [all:n:e:s:w] – merges the plot in the specified direction, or you can look in the direction you want to merge your plots in
/plot unlink – unmerges ALL plots that have been merged
/plot middle – brings you to the middle block of your plot
🎶Cosmetic Commands:
/plot chat [on/off] (chat) – toggles plot chat on or off, and you can send messages so only those on the plot can see
/plot music – adds music that will always be playing in your plot
/plot biome [biome] – sets the plots biome (players may need to unload the chunk for it to work)
/plot flag [set:remove:add:list:info] [flag] [value] – sets, removes, adds, or lists flags
Relevant flags: description, farewell, greeting, music, weather, time, ice-form, ice-melt, snow-form, snow-melt, soil-dry
Example: /plot flag set time 3000