Basic machines are the third category in your SlimeFun guide!
This is a LONG guide, I recommend searching for the machine you need information on if you are looking for specifics.
To make ANY SlimeFun recipe, you have to use the SlimeFun multi-blocks, or machines! Most are built as shown in your recipe book, and this guide will show you how to build them all! They can help enhance your Minecraft experience, save on supplies by multiplying drops, and more!
Used here is the SlimeFun resource pack linked in our Discord.

You can unlock all of these items individually with experience earned from quests, killing monsters, mining ores, and more!

Most of these items are multi-blocks, or items that are physically built in the world, but otherwise you’ll need to make the enhanced crafting table to make the other items! You can see all the recipes in your guide after unlocking them, but this guide will let you know which materials you need for it in case you need to unlock other machines or items!
This guide will also show pictures of how they’re physically built in the world!
Enhanced Crafting Table:

Although not the first item in the list, this is the first machine you’ll need to build. This is a multi-block.
Materials Needed:
Crafting Table x1
Dispenser x1

To build this multi-block, place the dispenser first, and the crafting table on top. If you’ve made it correctly, this message will show up for you when you right-click the crafting table on top:

To use the enhanced crafting table, put items into the dispenser’s 3×3 grid like it’s a crafting table, and then right-click the crafting table on top of it. If successful, your item will be crafted and in the dispenser when you open it again!
Output Chest:

This item is crafted in an enhanced crafting table, but afterwards is placed next to a dispenser to collect items crafted from a multi-block. Cannot be used for vanilla dispensers, and can ONLY be used on SlimeFun dispensers, no other machines.
When placed, it will look like a normal chest, but if you open it up, it should say Output Chest in red like this:

Materials Needed:
Enhanced Crafting Table
Chest x1
Hopper x1
Lead Ingot x5
-Unlocked in resources.
Grind Stone:

Not to be confused with the vanilla grindstone, this machine grinds items into other items. When you click on this recipe in your book, it’ll show you what items will be turned into when you grind them at the bottom. This is a multi-block.
Materials Needed:
Dispenser (facing-up) x1
Any Wood Fence x1

To build this machine place a dispenser facing upwards, and any wood fence on top (it cannot be a nether brick fence).
To use this machine, put items into the dispenser’s 3×3 grid like it’s a crafting table, and then right-click the fence on top of it. If successful, your item will be crafted and in the dispenser when you open it again!
Armor Forge:

The armor forge is used in recipes making armor and tools, like the Slime Armor set in magical armor! This is a multi-block.
Materials Needed:
Dispenser (facing-up) x1
Anvil x1

To build this machine, place a dispenser facing upwards, and an anvil on top of it in any direction (it cannot be damaged).
To use this machine, put items into the dispenser’s 3×3 grid like it’s a crafting table, and then right-click the anvil on top of it. If successful, your item will be crafted and in the dispenser when you open it again!
Ore Crusher:

The ore crusher is used to turn ores, and other blocks, into other items (sort of like the grind stone!). Examples include iron ore into iron dust, cobblestone into sand, and gold carat ingots into gold dust.
When you click on this recipe in your book, it’ll show you what items will be turned into when you crush them at the bottom. This is a multi-block.
Materials Needed:
Dispenser (facing-up) x1
Iron Bars x1
Nether Brick Fence x1

To build this machine place a dispenser facing upwards, two iron bars on either side, and a nether brick fence on top (cannot be a wooden fence).
To use this machine, put items into the dispenser’s 3×3 grid like it’s a crafting table, and then right-click the fence on top of it. If successful, your item will be crafted and in the dispenser when you open it again!

This machine compresses items into other items, such as coal into carbon. When you click on this recipe in your book, it’ll show you what items will be turned into when you compress them at the bottom. This is a multi-block.
Materials Needed:
Dispenser (facing-up) x1
Piston (facing-up) x2
Nether Brick Fence x1

To build this machine, place a dispenser facing up, two pistons facing up on either side, and a nether brick fence on top (cannot be a wooden fence).
To use this machine, put items into the dispenser’s 3×3 grid like it’s a crafting table, and then right-click the fence on top of it. If successful, your item will be crafted and in the dispenser when you open it again!
Makeshift Smeltery:

The makeshift smeltery only allows you to smelt dust, like iron dust, into ingots. You cannot smelt ingots together to make alloys (you’ll need to go to the next machine and build the smeltery). This is a multi-block.
Materials Needed:
Dispenser (facing-up) x1
Brick Blocks x2
Flint & Steel x1
Netherrack x1
Any Wood Fence x1

To build this block, place one block down and then place the dispenser facing upwards on top of it, then you can break the block below it. Put netherrack in the ground, and light it on fire with your flint and steel. Place your brick blocks on either side of the dispenser, and any wooden fence on top of it (not nether brick fence, only wooden).
To use this machine, put items into the dispenser’s 3×3 grid like it’s a crafting table, and then right-click the fence on top of it. If successful, your item will be crafted and in the dispenser when you open it again!
You will need to keep re-lighting the fire unless you attach an automatic ignition chamber (found further down in the guide).

The smeltery is an upgrade from the makeshift one, and can smelt ingots into alloys, as well as dust into ingots. This is a multi-block.
Materials Needed:
Dispenser (facing-up) x1
Flint & Steel x1
Netherrack x1
Nether Bricks x2
Nether Brick Fence x1

To build this block, place one block down and then place the dispenser facing upwards on top of it, then you can break the block below it. Put netherrack in the ground, and light it on fire with your flint and steel. Place your nether brick blocks on either side of the dispenser, and a nether brick fence on top (cannot be a wooden fence).
To use this machine, put items into the dispenser’s 3×3 grid like it’s a crafting table, and then right-click the fence on top of it. If successful, your item will be crafted and in the dispenser when you open it again!
You will need to keep re-lighting the fire unless you attach an automatic ignition chamber (found further down in the guide).
Automatic Ignition Chamber:

When placed adjacent to the smeltery or makeshift smeltery’s dispenser, it will automatically light the fire if it has a flint and steel in its inventory. This is crafted in an enhanced crafting table, and then placed.
It will look like a normal dispenser when placed, but when you open it, it should look like this:

Materials Needed:
Enhanced Crafting Table
Iron Ingot x4
Flint & Steel x1
Observer x1
Basic Circuit Board x1
-Unlocked in technical components.
Pressure Chamber:

Some recipes require compressing items in a pressure chamber, especially for end-game machines that require Carbonado. When you click on this recipe in your book, it’ll show you what items will be turned into when you pressurize them at the bottom. This is a multi-block.
Materials Needed:
Dispenser (facing-up) x1
Piston (facing-up) x4
Cauldron x1
Glass Block x1
Smooth Stone Slab x2

To build this machine, place a cauldron in the middle, and 4 upwards-facing pistons on either side, stacked 2 on each side as pictured. Place a glass block on top of the cauldron, and an upwards-facing dispenser on top of the glass block. Place a smooth stone slab on either side of the dispenser, on top of the pistons.
To use this machine, put items into the dispenser’s 3×3 grid like it’s a crafting table, and then right-click the cauldron on the bottom. If successful, your item will be crafted and in the dispenser when you open it again!
Magic Workbench:

The magic workbench is used to craft most magical recipes, and is needed to craft magical components for more complicated magical recipes. This is a multi-block.
Materials Needed:
Dispenser x1
Crafting Table x1
Bookshelf x1

To craft this machine, build it from left to right: bookshelf, crafting table, and then dispenser (orientation does not matter).
To use this machine, put items into the dispenser’s 3×3 grid like it’s a crafting table, and then right-click the crafting table in the middle. If successful, your item will be crafted and in the dispenser when you open it again!
Ore Washer:

The ore washer washes sifted ore found from panning machines, and gives you a variety of items that can be seen when you click on the recipe in your book. This is a multi-block.
Materials Needed:
Cauldron x1
Any Wooden Fence x1
Dispenser x1

To build this machine, place a cauldron, then any wooden fence on top of it, and then a dispenser (any orientation).
To use this machine, put items into the dispenser’s 3×3 grid like it’s a crafting table, and then right-click the fence in the middle. If successful, your item will be crafted and in the dispenser when you open it again!
It is recommended to use an output chest on this machine for sure, it will speed up your process so much!
Table Saw:

The table saw doubles the out put of logs and planks. You will receive 8 planks per log, and 4 sticks per plank. This is super helpful especially when you’re first starting out so you’re getting tons of wood! This is a multi-block.
Materials Needed:
Stonecutter x1
Smooth Stone Slab x2
Iron Block x1

To build this machine, place an iron block with a stonecutter on top, and then smooth stone slabs on either side of the stonecutter. Make sure they are level with the stonecutter and not on the top level of the iron block or else it won’t work.
To use this machine, right click logs or planks onto the stonecutter and it will drop planks or sticks! Works with any wood type, including warped and crimson planks and stems.

This is an upgraded vanilla composter. It can compost leaves and saplings into dirt, stone into netherrack, sand into soul sand, and wheat into nether wart over time. This is an item you make in an enhanced crafting table and place.
To use this machine, place it down and right click with the items to compost them. After a short amount of time it will drop your crafted items.
Materials Needed:
Oak Slab x6
Cauldron x1
Automated Panning Machine:

There is a hand-held panning machine unlocked in tools, but this is the automated (and in my opinion, far slower) version. This is a multi-block.
Materials Needed:
Cauldron x1
Any Wooden Trapdoor x1

To build this machine, place a trapdoor on top of the cauldron.
To use this machine, right-click the trapdoor with gravel or soul sand to get items. You can see all available recipes by clicking on the recipe for the automated gold pan in your book. After a short amount of time it will drop your crafted items.
Industrial Miner:

The industrial miner is a multi-block that mines for you if fueled! For this machine, you can fuel it with coal and coal blocks, charcoal, wood, blaze rods, and dried kelp blocks.
Materials Needed:
Fuel (listed above)
Iron Block x2
Blast Furnace x1
Piston (facing-up) x2
Chest x1

To build this machine, place a blast furnace and an iron block on either side. Place upwards facing pistons on top of the iron blocks, and a chest on top of the blast furnace.
To use this machine, place the fuel (like your coal) in the chest, and right click the blast furnace. It will stop if there is not enough fuel, and alert you when it’s finished!
It will mine coal, iron, gold, diamond, and emerald ore in a 7×7 radius around and under the machine, all the way down to bedrock!
Advanced Industrial Miner:

The advanced industrial miner is an upgrade from the industrial miner. Its radius is expanded to 11×11, fuel is more expensive, but it adds silk touch to ores so you can break them with fortune.
You can fuel this machine with lava, buckets of fuel, or buckets of oil.
Materials Needed:
Fuel (listed above)
Diamond Block x2
Blast Furnace x1
Piston (facing-up) x2
Chest x1

To build this machine, place a blast furnace and a diamond block on either side. Place upwards facing pistons on top of the iron blocks, and a chest on top of the blast furnace.
To use this machine, place the fuel (like your lava) in the chest, and right click the blast furnace. It will stop if there is not enough fuel, and alert you when it’s finished!
It will mine coal, iron, gold, diamond, and emerald ore in an 11×11 radius around and under the machine, all the way down to bedrock!

The crucible is used to smelt items into lava or water. For a full list of recipes, click on the crucible in your guide. This is an item crafted in an enhanced crafting table, and placed in the world.
Materials Needed:
Enhanced Crafting Table
Terracotta x6
Flint & Steel x1

Place this block and right-click it with recipe items to start smelting! Water will go into the cauldron, and lava will stay suspended on top. Use a bucket to get it out so you can use it elsewhere.

The juicer machine is used to turn fruit and other items collected from your farms into juice you can consume to restore hunger! Drink it right away, or use a cooler to store it in your inventory!
To see all available recipe, click on the juicer in your guide.
Materials Needed:
Dispenser (facing-up) x1
Nether Brick Fence x1
Glass Block x1

To build this machine, place a dispenser facing up, a nether brick fence on top, and then a glass block on top of the fence.
To use this machine, put items into the dispenser’s 3×3 grid like it’s a crafting table, and then right-click the fence in the middle. If successful, your item will be crafted and in the dispenser when you open it again!
Enhanced Furnaces:

Enhanced furnaces are complicated, and very expensive machines that decrease time needed to smelt items, increase fuel efficiency, and give you fortune on your smelting ores and blocks. This stacks with McMMO levels in repair and smelting.
They need a LOT of items unlocked, and you’ll be doing a lot of grinding to make these (I mean a lot), but in the end they are super worth it!
Check out other guides for more information on specifics of some of these items (like the electric motors).
Enhanced furnaces go from level 1 like shown above, all the way to 11, reinforced, and carbonado.

This guide will show you how to craft the first furnace, and you can see the rest of the recipes as you unlock them. They all include the same items, and the furnace from the tier before (example: a level 2 furnace needs a level 1 furnace in the recipe, etc.).
These are ALL crafted in an enhanced crafting table, and placed like a normal furnace.
IMPORTANT: you can hopper items OUT of the furnace, but you CANNOT hopper items into it. You will need a SlimeFun storage grid to do that, explained in another guide.
Materials Needed:
Basic Circuit Board x1
-Unlocked in technical components.
Heating Coil x1
-Unlocked in technical components.
Electric Motor x1
-Unlocked in technical components.
Steel Ingot x1
-Unlocked in resources.
Furnace x1