Extra gear is the sixth category in your SlimeFun guide! It includes a ton of special enchanted gear and weapons, crafted with the armor forge and custom SlimeFun resources. All swords are made in an enhanced crafting table.

You can unlock all of these items individually with experience earned from quests, killing monsters, mining ores, and more!

There are two pages of extra gear available to unlock. You can navigate the menu by clicking on the next arrow at the bottom of the menu.

The extra gear goes from copper gear as the lowest tier of gear, to cobalt gear, with high level, non-vanilla enchantments.
You can craft this gear to wear as is, or use an auto disenchanter to remove the enchants to put it on other gear, like netherite!
This guide will show you how copper gear and weapons are made, as it is the same for all gear, just with changed resources.
Copper Sword:

The copper sword is enchanted with Smite 2, and has the same durability as an iron sword.
Materials Needed:
Enhanced Crafting Table
Copper Ingot x2
-Unlocked in resources.
Stick x1

It is crafted in the same pattern as any other type of sword, but replacing any vanilla ingots with copper ingots and using the enhanced crafting table. The recipe for all other swords just replaces the copper ingots with what it is named (example: cobalt sword is using 2 cobalt ingots in the same pattern).
Copper Helmet:

The copper helmet is enchanted with Blast Protection 2, and has the same durability as leather armor.
Materials Needed:
Armor Forge
Copper Ingot x5
-Unlocked in resources.

It is crafted in the same pattern as any other type of helmet, but replacing any vanilla materials with copper ingots and using the armor forge. The recipe for all other helmets just replaces the copper ingots with what it is named (example: cobalt helmet is using 5 cobalt ingots in the same pattern).
Copper Chestplate:

The copper chestplate is enchanted with Blast Protection 2, and has the same durability as leather armor.
Materials Needed:
Armor Forge
Copper Ingot x8
-Unlocked in resources.

It is crafted in the same pattern as any other type of chestplate, but replacing any vanilla materials with copper ingots and using the armor forge. The recipe for all other chestplates just replaces the copper ingots with what it is named (example: cobalt chestplate is using 8 cobalt ingots in the same pattern).
Copper Leggings:

The copper leggings are enchanted with Blast Protection 2, and has the same durability as leather armor.
Materials Needed:
Armor Forge
Copper Ingot x7
-Unlocked in resources.

It is crafted in the same pattern as any other type of leggings, but replacing any vanilla materials with copper ingots and using the armor forge. The recipe for all other leggings just replaces the copper ingots with what it is named (example: cobalt leggings is using 7 cobalt ingots in the same pattern).
Copper Boots:

The copper boots are enchanted with Blast Protection 2, and has the same durability as leather armor.
Materials Needed:
Armor Forge
Copper Ingot x4
-Unlocked in resources.

It is crafted in the same pattern as any other type of boots, but replacing any vanilla materials with copper ingots and using the armor forge. The recipe for all other boots just replaces the copper ingots with what it is named (example: cobalt boots is using 4 cobalt ingots in the same pattern).
Other Gear:
Other types of gear include tin, aluminum, silver, lead, zinc, magnesium, steel, and cobalt, along with many other types of weapons.
They all have different enchantments, so definitely take a look at them before making it so you are getting the enchantments you want!
You can take the enchantments off to use them on other gear, or enchant them with more vanilla or custom enchantments to make them even more OP!