The first section in your SlimeFun guide is weapons! Used here is the SlimeFun resource pack linked in our Discord.

You can unlock all of these items individually with experience earned from quests, killing monsters, mining ores, and more!

All these items are made in either an Enhanced Crafting Table or a Magic Workbench, which can both be unlocked in basic machines. You can see all the recipes in your guide after unlocking them, but this guide will let you know which materials you need for it in case you need to unlock other machines or items!
Grandmas Walking Stick:

This is a stick with Knockback 2 on it. Use it to hit mobs, your friends, or to use the auto-disenchanter found in energy and electricity.
Materials Needed:
Enhanced Crafting Table
Oak Log x3
Grandpas Walking Stick:

This is a stick with Knockback 5 on it. Use it to hit mobs, your friends, or use the auto-disenchanter found in energy and electricity.
Materials Needed:
Enhanced Crafting Table
Leather x2
Oak Log x3
Sword Of Beheading:

This is an iron sword with Beheading 2 on it, which increases your chances of getting the head from mobs like wither skeletons, skeletons, creepers, and more!
Materials Needed:
Enhanced Crafting Table
Emerald x2
Magical Lump II x2
Blaze Rod x1
Blade Of Vampires:

This is a gold sword with Fire Aspect 2, Unbreaking 4, Sharpness 2, and Life Steal 1. Life Steal will give you a 45% chance to recover 2 hearts when you attack a player or mob.
Materials Needed:
Magic Workbench
Wither Skeleton Skull x2
Blaze Rod x1
Seismic Axe:

This is an iron axe that makes blocks explode around you in an earthquake-like wave! You can use it to damage mobs and players. This item needs quite a few materials to be unlocked prior to being able to make it.
Materials Needed:
Magic Workbench
Hardened Metal x3
-Unlocked in resources.
Elemental Staff x2
-Unlocked in magical gadgets.
Explosive Bow:

This is a bow that launches enemies into the air when it is fired at full power.
Materials Needed:
Magic Workbench
Stick x2
Gunpowder x2
Sulfate x1
-Unlocked in resources.
Elemental Staff – Fire x1
-Unlocked in magical gadgets.
Icy Bow:

This is a bow that will freeze your enemies for 2 seconds when they’re hit at full power.
Materials Needed:
Magic Workbench
Stick x2
Ice x2
Packed Ice x1
Elemental Staff – Water x1
-Unlocked in magical gadgets.